A FREE Lecture series

I offer a (free) lecture series.

They are updated versions of lectures I have given in the past.

From 2005 - About Shemoneh Esreh (The Amidah) the central portion of all Jewish Services. This lecture tells you about how this 19 part prayer came to be, contemporary interpretations and offer some personal understanding of the meaning of this thrice daily read prayer.

From 2008 - Who Wrote the Bible Down? A scientific approach to how the Bible, as we know it today, came to be. The history of the creation of the Torah is fascinating and has a lot to teach us today. Regardless of where you are, theologically, this lecture hopefully will enhance your insights into the most read book ever.

If you want to schedule a lecture, please contact me at here

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By Richard Gavatin

Francis Collins: Obama's Biggest Mistake

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