Being an Atheist and Being Jewish - A problem?
Not really. Here is why:
Judaism emphasizes "belief" to a much lesser extent than other religions. Jewish Atheists are actually quite common. (see for instance this site). Questioning faith is not a "threat" to Judaism. In Fact, our name, Israel, means "struggle with God".
Judaism is more about your actions than what is in your heart. The old expression "creed versus deed" comes to mind. Many forms of Christianity emphasize faith and belief as central concepts. Creed guides them, while Judaism encourages you to do.
Here is an example:
This is lifted from the information from COEJL, Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life. Visit them here.:
Protecting human health and the diversity of life is a value emphasized in Torah, Talmud, and rabbinic literature throughout the ages—beginning with the commandment in Genesis for Adam and Eve to serve and protect the Garden of Eden.
I’m Jewish—why haven’t I ever heard about a connection between Judaism and the environment?
Many Jews haven’t. Despite the richness of Jewish teachings related to our responsibility to protect the environment, few Jews have been introduced to them.
COEJL seeks to expand the contemporary understanding of such Jewish values as tikkun olam (repairing the world) and tzedek (justice) to include the protection of both people and other species from environmental degradation.
In other words: Do something! Be with it! Be active!
Welcome to my Blog. Please make comments! This blog contains comments on contemporary issues using time-tested Jewish Wisdom. What is Jewish Wisdom? It is an ever evolving method that enriches your life and whatever bits and pieces you get out of it, it will add something to your life.
A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows.
Mark Twain
No matter who you are, or where you are, there is one simple fact that we all have in common: we all know more atheists than we think we do.
That's because a huge percentage of us are "in the closet" -- hiding our reality-based conclusion out of fear of rejection or reprisals.
Check out this USA Today poll and click on your state.
Now, if we compare this to the PEW research poll (known for leaning toward the right), we get a different picture -- only 5% nationally actually saying there is no god.
The difference is of course in how you phrase the question. Exactly how many of the "no religions" are actually nonreligious and how many of the respondents were afraid to admit their rationality and called themselves religious?
These are tough variables, but we can use these reports as good upper and lower-bound measurements. If the Pew folks are right, there are 15 Million Atheists in America.
If the USA Today polls are right, the number is closer to 50 million.
Both numbers far outweigh all non-Christians combined, and then doubled.
Atheist? You've got company.
A FREE Lecture series
I offer a (free) lecture series.
They are updated versions of lectures I have given in the past.
From 2005 - About Shemoneh Esreh (The Amidah) the central portion of all Jewish Services. This lecture tells you about how this 19 part prayer came to be, contemporary interpretations and offer some personal understanding of the meaning of this thrice daily read prayer.
From 2008 - Who Wrote the Bible Down? A scientific approach to how the Bible, as we know it today, came to be. The history of the creation of the Torah is fascinating and has a lot to teach us today. Regardless of where you are, theologically, this lecture hopefully will enhance your insights into the most read book ever.
If you want to schedule a lecture, please contact me at here
They are updated versions of lectures I have given in the past.
From 2005 - About Shemoneh Esreh (The Amidah) the central portion of all Jewish Services. This lecture tells you about how this 19 part prayer came to be, contemporary interpretations and offer some personal understanding of the meaning of this thrice daily read prayer.
From 2008 - Who Wrote the Bible Down? A scientific approach to how the Bible, as we know it today, came to be. The history of the creation of the Torah is fascinating and has a lot to teach us today. Regardless of where you are, theologically, this lecture hopefully will enhance your insights into the most read book ever.
If you want to schedule a lecture, please contact me at here
The more you learn.............
The more you learn about a specific topic,
the more you realize how little you know.
If this is true, which it is, the opposite is also true: The less you know about that topic, the more you believe you know 'everything' about it!
That is the root of all prejudice. Think about it! Let's say you live ion area where there are a few people of a certain ethnicity. You hear of one person from that group and find out he is an alcoholic. And that's the ONLY thing you know. It is very easy to say: This guy is an alcoholic. This guy belongs to the ethnic group X. Ergo, people of this ethnic group are all alcoholics!
That's what's causing prejudice.
Education - learning - is the only weapon!
the more you realize how little you know.
If this is true, which it is, the opposite is also true: The less you know about that topic, the more you believe you know 'everything' about it!
That is the root of all prejudice. Think about it! Let's say you live ion area where there are a few people of a certain ethnicity. You hear of one person from that group and find out he is an alcoholic. And that's the ONLY thing you know. It is very easy to say: This guy is an alcoholic. This guy belongs to the ethnic group X. Ergo, people of this ethnic group are all alcoholics!
That's what's causing prejudice.
Education - learning - is the only weapon!
By Richard Gavatin
On the occasion of IKAR’s 20th -A Cautionary tale and a Celebration
Cautionary tale: Close to 25 years ago, I began studying the central prayer in our liturgy. The Shemoneh Esreh or Amidah, in its week...
Picture taken at the end of September. This is the environmentally correct way to transport, it is the Segway.
"Proud, Happy, and Thankful to be Jewish.” “I am a Jew because my faith deman...
I am reading (for the third time….) this very interesting book. Here is a quote from it, which that made me think of you: The human brain r...